pyzenbo.modules.dialog_system module¶
- class pyzenbo.modules.dialog_system.RobotFace¶
Face expression ID.
- LAZY = 'LAZY'¶
- SHY = 'SHY'¶
- class pyzenbo.modules.dialog_system.DynamicEditAction¶
- ADD_NEW_INSTANCE = 'addNewInstance'¶
- UPDATE_NEW_INSTANCE = 'updateNewInstance'¶
- DELETE_INSTANCE = 'deleteInstance'¶
- class pyzenbo.modules.dialog_system.LanguageType¶
- ZH_TW = 1¶
- EN_US = 2¶
- ZH_CN = 3¶
- JP = 4¶
- HK = 7¶
- DE = 8¶
- FR = 9¶
- ES = 10¶
- PT = 11¶
- NL = 12¶
- class pyzenbo.modules.dialog_system.DialogSystem(inter_comm)¶
contain of pyzenbo.robot attribute
- register_listen_callback(domain, listen, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Register the listen callback functions for Dialog System.
Usage¶def listen_callback(args): utterance = args.get('event_user_utterance', None) vad = args.get('event_vad_status', None) slu = args.get('event_slu_query', None) msg = 'listen uu:{}, vad:{}, slu:{}' print(msg.format(utterance, vad, slu)) if not utterance and not vad and not slu: print('listen raw:{}'.format(args)) result = parser_listen_result(slu) if result is not None: print('slu_result:{}'.format(result)) sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.robot.register_listen_callback(domain, listen_callback)
- Parameters
domain – domain UUID
listen – listen callback function
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- unregister_listen_callback(sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Unregister listen callback.
Usage¶sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.robot.unregister_listen_callback()
- Parameters
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- speak(sentence, config=None, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Start speaking.
Usage¶sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.robot.speak("hello world")
- Parameters
sentence – sentence of text to speech
config – configuration for speak engine
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- stop_speak(sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Stop speaking.
Usage¶sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.robot.stop_speak()
- Parameters
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- set_expression(facial, sentence=None, config=None, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Make robot expression and speak.
Usage¶sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.robot.set_expression(RobotFace.PROUD, 'Hello World')
- Parameters
sentence – sentence of text to speech
config – configuration for expression engine
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- query_expression_status(sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Query expression status, return result in onResult callback, result will have an JSON string, key is “RESULT”. JSON object have two element, FaceID and FaceExit. FaceID is current face value, and FaceExit is an boolean True is currently have display expression.
- Parameters
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- clear_app_context(domain, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Clear specific domain UUID in current dialog system stack. pyzenbo.robot.clear_app_context
- Parameters
domain – domain UUID
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- clear_background_context(domain, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Clear background context.
- Parameters
domain – domain UUID
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- dynamic_edit_instance(domain, action, entity, instances, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Add/Delete/Update user defined instances of an specific Entity.
- Parameters
domain – domain UUID
action – types of action
entity – the existed entity added on the Concept page of DS Editor
instances – the instances to be modified
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- jump_to_plan(domain, plan, cross_intent=None, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Let dialog state switch to specific plan, and set output context of this plan on top of the context stack.
- Parameters
domain – domain UUID
plan – plan ID to be switched to
cross_intent – set True to enable cross intent
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- set_background_context(domain, plan, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Set background context.
- Parameters
domain – domain UUID
plan – plan ID
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- set_voice_trigger(enable, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Set dialog system voice trigger.
- Parameters
enable – flag to enable/disable dialog system voice trigger
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- reset_voice_trigger(enable, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Reset dialog system voice trigger counter and force voice trigger enable or disable.
- Parameters
enable – flag to enable/disable dialog system voice trigger
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- reset_voice_trigger_to_default(sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Reset dialog system voice trigger to default setting.
- Parameters
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- set_listen_context(domain, context, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Force Dialog System to listen specific context in the DS Editor
- Parameters
domain – domain UUID
context – context to listen to
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- speak_and_listen(sentence, config=None, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Start speaking and listening. If sentence is an empty string (“”), Zenbo will listen directly.
- Parameters
sentence – sentence sentence of text to speech
config – configuration for speak engine
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- stop_speak_and_listen(sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Stop speak and listen.
- Parameters
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- update_dialog_corpus_by_server(domain, package_name, version, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Automatic compare corpus data version while call the API and will trigger command set update process if needed.
- Parameters
domain – domain UUID string
package_name – package name on DDE
version – version string
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- query_word_similarity(input_sentence, target_sentence, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Query word similarity between input and target sentences and get data from onResult callback, result bundle will have an JSON string, key is “RESULT”. JSON object have three element, input_sentence, target_sentence and similarity.
Usage¶sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.robot.query_word_similarity(input_sentence='who are you', target_sentence=['who are you', 'where are you'])
RESULT: ‘{“input_sentence”:”who are you”,”target_sentence”:[“who are you”,”where are you”], “similarity”:[{“who are you”:1.01},{“where are you”:0.57}]}’}
- Parameters
input_sentence – input sentence
target_sentence – array for target sentence
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- zh_to_number(input_sentence, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Transform ZH to number for inputSentence and get data from onResult callback, result bundle will have an JSON string, key is “RESULT”. Example: {“input_sentence”:”轉換數字一二三四”,”result”:”1234”}
- Parameters
input_sentence – input sentence
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- en_to_number(input_sentence, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Transform EN to number for inputSentence and get data from onResult callback, result bundle will have an JSON string, key is “RESULT”. Example: {“input_sentence”:”transform one thousand four hundred and fifty”,”result”:”1450”}
- Parameters
input_sentence – input sentence
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- config_next_csr(language_type, disable_slu, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Config next CSR setting. Include HeyZenbo trigger and speakAndListen API.
- Parameters
language_type – LanguageType.ZH_TW, LanguageType.EN_US or LanguageType.ZH_CN, etc..
disable_slu – Disable SLU report and skip questioning expression
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- wait_for_listen(sentence, config=None, timeout=10)¶
Wait for speak and listen execute completed and return SLU result.
Usage¶sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.robot.set_expression(RobotFace.HAPPY, timeout=5) sdk.robot.jump_to_plan('E7AABB554ACB414C9AB9BF45E7FA8AD9', 'lanuchHelloWolrd_Plan') slu_result = sdk.robot.wait_for_listen('Which city do you like? You can say Hello Block City, or Hello White City')
- Parameters
sentence – sentence sentence of text to speech
config – configuration for speak engine
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
SLU result, if timeout will return None
- wait_for_doa(sentence, config=None, timeout=10)¶
Wait for speak and listen execute completed and return DOA (direction of arrival).
Usage¶sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.robot.set_expression(RobotFace.HAPPY, timeout=5) sdk.robot.jump_to_plan('E7AABB554ACB414C9AB9BF45E7FA8AD9', 'lanuchHelloWolrd_Plan') doa = sdk.robot.wait_for_doa('Which city do you like? You can say Hello Block City, or Hello White City')
- Parameters
sentence – sentence sentence of text to speech
config – configuration for speak engine
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means waiting speak and listen completed.
- Returns
DOA result, if timeout or the error code of the listen result is not success will return None